Professors / TeachersMiriam Althammer
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Miriam Althammer studied Theater Studies, Art History and Modern German Literature at the LMU Munich, Dance Studies at the University of Berne and is currently completing the course „Curating in the Performing Arts“ at the University of Salzburg and Free University Berlin.
From 2016 to 2019 she was a lecturer in the BA Dance at the Dance Theater Institute of the Theater Academy Krakow and from 2017 to 2019 a research associate at the Chair for Theater Studies at the University of Bayreuth.
Her doctoral thesis (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Claudia Jeschke / Prof. Dr. Yvonne Hardt) deals with re/visions of European dance histories using the example of the East/West exchange at Tanzquartier Wien, with a focus on knowledge networks of contemporary dance in Southeast Europe and its transmission in archival materials, oral history interviews and artistic practices.
Her research interests lie in practice-based dance and movement research, especially with regard to their historical dimensions and artistic-interdisciplinary intertwinings. Areas of research: transhistoricity and transculturalism, practice as research / archive as practice, re-construction and re-enactment, notation and score, oral history and embodied knowledge, strategies of the curatorial and dissolution of the arts.
In addition to her academic work, she accompanies various projects, mostly at the interface between performative and visual arts, with curatorial and artistic research. She works as an author for newspapers, theaters, magazines and blogs (including Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bayerische Staatsoper, Münchner Feuilleton, Tanztheater Wuppertal, Festivals Spielart and Dance, Zeitschrift tanz) as well as an editor for the online magazine
She is a member of the juries for contemporary dance of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich as well as the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT).